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LEADing the Way with Zorbari Nwidor & Chicago Adventure Therapy

Video Release Date: January 28, 2025
Video Source: YouTube

The first time Zorbari Nwidor sat in a kayak, it was inside a gymnasium, as part of a college and career fair. She knew, even then, that it was the start of something special. Now, as the Executive Director of Chicago Adventure Therapy (CAT), Zorbari draws on her experiences from climbing, camping and kayaking with CAT to introduce Chicago youth to the healing powers of the outdoors. “A lot of these kids don’t know outside of Chicago. They’re only engaged in negative activities, so that’s all they know… I could say what really helped me, it was the sports, the outdoor adventure”—Miguel Mendez, CAT Staff and alumni. From their first time camping to multi-day paddling excursions, CAT uses adventure and the outdoors to foster a sense of empowerment and positive mental health among Chicago youth.

The best seller used by outdoor programs across the country as a resource and textbook. 

Available in paperback, E-book, and now as an Audiobook at