In the Wake of Hurricane Irene – Methods of Water Disinfection
In the wake of Hurricane Irene, many people will be without electrical power for days. If they need to disinfect water to obtain drinking water,
In the wake of Hurricane Irene, many people will be without electrical power for days. If they need to disinfect water to obtain drinking water,
Increasing numbers of young people participate in outdoor activities, including strenuous competitive athletics. In so doing, they subject their bodies to stresses that are more
By now, most everyone is familiar with the tragic circumstances in which a visitor on a trail in Yellowstone National Park on July 6, 2011
There are many myths circulating in the outdoor community about what to do if you are bitten by a snake. The NOLS MythCrushers slither through
Sometimes when a person falls or is struck in the mouth, a tooth is broken or knocked out. If a tooth is cracked (with the
When a person performs cardiopulmonary (heart and lung) resuscitation (CPR), it is sometimes recommended to provide rescue breathing. This is certainly the case when the
Finding lost persons in the wilderness is, unfortunately, increasingly necessary as greater numbers of persons explore in the outdoors. Beyond the need to find explorers
[Outdoor Ed Note: What goes into a good backcountry first aid kit is always a balancing act between size of group, length and remoteness of
We believe most of the diarrhea and flu-like illness on wilderness trips is caused by poor hand hygiene. In hospitals 5 to 10% of
A newly discovered tick-borne disease in China is caused by a never-before identified virus. The new virus, SFTSV, stands for severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome
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