NOLS SUMMIT | | Teaching Storytelling as a Leadership Practice
This is a presentation by Eric Boggs from the NOLS Summit 2017. This annual event at the National Outdoor Leadership School headquarters in Lander, Wyoming
This is a presentation by Eric Boggs from the NOLS Summit 2017. This annual event at the National Outdoor Leadership School headquarters in Lander, Wyoming
by Kylie Skidmore University of New Hampshire Graduate Student Social Work and Outdoor Education Dual Degree Scattered throughout the realm of outdoor education, camping
Increasingly, social and emotional risk have been discussed as an important facet of risk management. In this webinar, join industry experts as we identify barriers
The NOLS Faculty Summit is the annual gathering of staff at the National Outdoor Leadership School that brings instructors, staff and experts in the outdoor education
This is an interactive pdf file that provides an overview of disasters and disaster medicine. It provides a context for people seeking to provide help
by Dr. Angie Moline Last year I surveyed university faculty who teach field-based academic courses (i.e. geology, archeology, ecology) and learned that 64% of them
After years spent churning around the corporate buzzword blender, the phrase “risk management” has too often become associated with lengthy legal documents filled with useless jargon and
Introduction Since 1962 when Outward Bound first introduced wilderness adventure programing to United States and the world in the mountains of Colorado, the field has
Emergent findings in social psychology point to the limitations of cognition and rationality; decision-making, it turns out, is highly over-rated. What this means for us:
From the Editors at Diversity & Inclusion must be fundamental aspects of all outdoor education programming. As a field we always bring values to
The best seller used by outdoor programs across the country as a resource and textbook.
Available in paperback, E-book, and now as an Audiobook at