The National Incident Database
The National Incident Database (NID) is managed by the Mountain Safety Council (MSC) on behalf of the outdoor sector. There are two distinct databases:
Outdoor Education /Recreation NID
Snow Sports NID
The NID is a way of collecting and sharing information between organisations about incidents or near-miss events that occur in the outdoors. The information is collected so that the outdoor community can learn from these incidents and take steps to manage their operations more safely and prevent similar things from happening again.
This report summarises annual results from the non – ski incident reporting in the National Incident Database (NID) from the 201 2 calendar year – January 1st to December 31st . It adds to a series of annual reports which summarised results from previous years. Some of those previous reports also included review of the status and development needs of the NID. This 201 2 report follows the format of the 2011 report, and should be read with reference to all those earlier reports, some content of which is included in the Appendices here.