Swimming Policies:
Question: What can we do? Wade? Dip? Swim?
A Lifeguard is Present Yes Yes Yes
No Lifeguard Present Yes Yes No
Wading: walking in water that is less than or equal to mid-thigh deep for the participant.
Dipping: Sitting, dunking, and splashing in water that is less than or equal to mid-thigh deep for the participant.
Swimming: entering water that is deeper than your mid-thigh.
Activities related to swimming that are NEVER allowed:
-Swimming, dipping, or wading at night.
-Swimming in water colder than 60 degrees F.
-Swimming in moving water.
-Solo swimming, wading, or dipping.
-Swimming in water that is deeper than chest high.
You MUST meet these following conditions:
-A leader/staff person with American Red Cross Lifeguard certification or comparable training must act as lifeguard for any swimming activity.
-A leader supervises all wading, dipping and swimming from the shore.
-Wear shoes when wading, dipping or swimming.
-All FOPpers who are going to swim must first have their swimming tested and approved by a leader.
-Leaders need to designate a swim area with boundaries AND leaders need to first check this area for dangers such as rocks, sudden drop-offs, logs, broken glass, fishhoks, etc.
-The lifeguard and an additional leader stays on shore to observe the swimmers.
-A buddy system is developed for the FOPpers who will be in the water.
-Any FOPper who can not follow the FOP swimming policy is removed form the activity.
-A rescue tube can be devised using an ensolite pad wrapped in webbing.