This film follows HBCUs Outside FAMU Ambassador Adrian Wilson leading an experience for Rattlers Outside with support from Black Diamond Equipment. How you can get involved? 1. Watch, Like, & Share the film! 2. Become an Ambassador! If you’re an HBCU student, apply today! If you are not an HBCU student let your family and friends who attend HBCUs know about the opportunity! 3. Join Our Community! We are looking for collaborators, donors, allies, co-conspirators, supporters, advisors, board members, team members, and volunteers! “HBCUs Outside is designed to sustainably advance diversification of the outdoors as that bridge for HBCU students, the best and brightest of America’s future Black leaders. Thats how we can make a lasting impact in outdoor sports, on our society, and for our environment.” – Ron Griswell, Founder of HBCUs Outside