A series of resources for helping outdoor orientation program leaders. Collated by Mark Ceder, University of San Diego.
Using Personal Affirming to Create Healing – by Denise Mitten
“10 ways to have a better conversation” – Celeste Headlee | TED Talks
- What are the 10 ways to have a better conversation?
- Which of these 10 are strengths of yours? Which are areas for improvement?
“Developing a Growth Mindset” – Carol Dweck
- Why is “yet” such an important word?
- What does “the tyranny of now” mean—how do these ideas interact with one another?
- How do you praise wisely?
- How can we create an environment/culture of growth at OA?
“Teaching Tips—Win-Win Conversations” – Rita Person
(think of this in the context of handling a difficult participant)
- Why doesn’t the first situation lead to a win result?
- How does Rita change her approach? Why does she provide a choice?
- How does she maintain her relationship with the student while maintaining boundaries and expectations?
- Explain the term, “when you enter a power struggle with a child you have already lost.”
“Inclusion, Exclusion, Illusion and Collusion” – Helen Turnbull | TED Talks
- What are your blind spots?
- What experiences have you had that have altered your blind spots, to widen your scope of inclusivity?
- Why do we have “many faces” and how can this be both detrimental and beneficial?
- How do you want to model inclusivity?
“The Danger of a Single Story” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | TED Talks
- What is a “single story”?
- How is Pre-O Adventure an opportunity for first-years to write or redefine their story?
- How can we create a Pre-O culture where we rid our community of assumptions?
- What short- and long-term affects will this have on our participants?
- Why is it important for people to share their story?
- Why MUST we use relationships to develop trust and authority vs. age/size/position?
“I Hope My Counselor Is…” – Linda Missal
(I know this is about camp with kids…but the basics still apply to incoming first-years on Pre-Orientation Program)
- What do kids worry about before arriving to camp? (think…Pre-O)
- According to the video, what makes a good counselor? (think…guide)
- What kind of impact do counselors have on campers?