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Necronomicon: Cracking the Limits

Author(s): Tradprincess
Video Release Date: August 11, 2024
Video Source: YouTube

Necronomicon: Cracking the Limits” immerses audiences in the journey of professional climber Mary Eden as she attempts to climb the seemingly impossible Necronomicon, a daunting 100- foot roof crack in Canyonlands National Park. Beyond the physical demands of the route, Mary grapples with internal pressures, questioning her own worthiness to undertake such a formidable climb. Should she succeed, Mary would join only a handful of accomplished women who have climbed a traditional route graded 5.14.

The Backpacker's Field Manual book cover

The best seller used by outdoor programs across the country as a resource and textbook. 

Available in paperback, E-book, and now as an Audiobook at Amazon.com