Overnight Camp Counselor
Teach and lead campers, ages 9-16 during eight six-day residential camping programs. Overnight Counselors oversee safety and teach/lead a variety of environmental/outdoor education, outdoor adventure programs, field trips, and evening programs to groups of 8-16 campers ages 8-16. Camp Counselors will also assist with Junior Counselor training and development. Counselors also supervise campers in cabins overnight, at mealtimes, and during free times on a rotating basis. Other responsibilities are to assist with waterfront supervision; help create a supportive community environment for campers and other staff; assist with camp preparation, clean-up, opening day check-in, and family programs; instill in each camper an appreciation for the natural environment; and have fun.
Overnight Camp Counselor Art, Archery, Backpacking Specialists
Specialists focus on teaching archery and/or backpacking. The Archery Specialists will teach archery instruction to campers ages 9-16 as well as other activities as needed. Art Specialist will teach 3 sessions of Art Camp with a focus on natural media to ages 9-13. Backpacking Specialists will lead short term (3-day/2-night) backcountry backpacking trips for campers ages 11-16 including skills instruction, packing, orienteering, safety, leave-no-trace camping, and survival skills. While training will be provided, at least some previous experience is helpful. Specialists will need to lead other programs in addition to their specialty.
Qualifications: Successful applicants will have previous experience working with children or adolescents. Requires energy, enthusiasm, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and a demonstrated interest in the environment and outdoor activities (rock climbing, camping, canoeing, etc). Red Cross certification in standard first aid and CPR required (we will offer a course for a fee). Experience speaking, leading songs, and/or story telling in front of large (50-100) groups of children is helpful. Minimum age is 18 years.
Pay: $2805 for staff ages 18-20, $3315 for staff ages 21 +, and $3825 for Drivers (21+ with a clean driving record). $4335 for Drivers (21+ with a clean driving record) and with a Bachelors Degree. Includes room and board and two weeks paid training (9 weeks total).
Dates of Employment: June 15 to August 14, 2020. Attendance at staff training (first two weeks) is mandatory. To some extent we can be flexible with dates.